Elbow/Kananaskis Valley,
Kananaskis Country
July 29, 2001
20.0 kilometers
Maximum Elevation:
2076 meters
Elevation Gain:
Time Required:
6.0 to 7.0
This popular trail follows a spectacular valley hemmed in by cliffs.
All is easy to Ribbon Falls as the trail follows Ribbon Creek and rises
gradually. Unless you plan to continue to Ribbon Lake, then it becomes
more technical and difficult as cliff bands give rise to two spectacular
waterfalls and cause difficulty and danger.
From the falls, the trail to the lake winds through the north bank and
crosses the head of a gully to a large scree slope, walk across to the
bottom of the headwall. With the help of a chain, pull yourself to the
top of the headwall. After the headwall, it is just smooth sailing to
Ribbon Lake except some awkward spots, which require the use the handrail
to balance yourself.
